Mad As Hell? Don't Hide It.


You seem angry. Why are you so angry? Don't be angry. Stop. Just stop denying women this primal and valid emotion. We are taught as girls that anger is bad and scary and yes, unbridled fury can spur us to act on impulse--maybe throw a plate or hurl an insult. (Women are more rational about expressing their anger than men; "Karens," not included.) But suppressing your rage because society deems it impolite or un-ladylike is even more dangerous. That bottled up anger prompts a prolonged fight or flight response, which unleashes stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. Now, you're dealing with higher blood pressure, hampered metabolism and lowered immunity. Screw all that. I recommend trying the tips for harnessing anger--and yes, expressing it too--in this article in Psychology Today.

LifeMonica Corcoran