Live, Love, Laugh, Eat.


This mug not only sums up my life priorities, but also makes a great hostess gift at $18. On a deeper level, don't ever deny yourself just to conform to an unrealistic beauty ideal. The notion of a size zero is bizarre to me, frankly. It implies that you have no biological mass whatsoever. (FYI: designer Nicole Miller is credited with creating the size zero about 20 or so years ago when she started vanity sizing her line. Meaning, a size eight became a size six.) Lately, amidst all the body positivity, we're also seeing a return to everything '90s, including the ultra low-rise waistband. Case in point: that Miu Miu micro mini skirt that practically shows off your ovaries and has its own Insta. Let's just make sure the "waif look" doesn't make a sly comeback too. That kind of history should never repeat itself--especially as the C.D.C. recently reported that the number of teenage girls going to the E.R. because of eating disorders has doubled during the pandemic.

LifeMonica Corcoran