Learning To Say "NO" Is A Life Skill
“I didn’t want to say “no” because I didn’t want people to think I’m not nice.”
Can you host the Zoom meeting, even though it's my turn? No, I can't. Aren't you going to volunteer for the school fundraiser? Not this time. Do you want to share that eclair? No way.
As women, we are programmed to please. Too often, we smile and say "yes" to any request -- and that compliancy breeds resentment when we become overwhelmed with duties. Know this: being able to say "no" is actually critical to your well being. (Check out this article in which billionaire Warren Buffet talks about the power of "nope.") Saying the word "no" also shows others that you have boundaries and honor your own needs. If it's hard for you to utter this powerful two-letter word, practice. I like to say, "No, that doesn't work for me." And remember you don't need to apologize or offer excuses for saying "no" -- it's actually a complete sentence.