Do You Give Good Gifts?

Pretty Ripe | Volume 50 - Do You Give Good Gifts? - Crystal Martin

So much for Santa making a list: about 61% of people admit they get a gift they don't want over the holidays. No surprise there. Gift giving is a lot like oral sex: you have to focus and put some effort into the task. Next up in our "Women Who Tun Us On" IG LIVE series is Crystal Martin, Senior Editor at New York Magazine's addictive "The Strategist" section. She's talking about modern consumerism, how to support small businesses and why you should be a better gift giver.
WHO: Crystal Martin, of "The Strategist"
WHAT: How to Give Great, Unexpected Gifts
WHEN: December 15th at 5:00 PST/8:00 EST

LifeMonica Corcoran