Walking is Everything Right Now


When it comes to work out brags, nobody flexes about walking. But really, walkers should be arrogant AF. Why? Let me count the ways:

  • A new study in the science mag Nature shows that walkers are more imaginative than non-walkers and have better creative ideas. Snap!

  • The average woman gains about 2.2 pounds a year during middle age. But during a 15-year study, people who walked gained significantly less weight.

  • Walking regularly cuts your risk of dying by 32%. Hey, now!

  • Walkers have a much lower chance (1%) of exercise-related injuries than runners (20%).

Since the onset of Covid, I walk every day and often, with a friend. (That's my preferred form of safely socializing.) My takeaway? The conversations run deeper and the mental lift of movement makes us less prone to negative talk. Now, go take a walk. Even better, reach out to me and I'll join you.

WellnessMonica Corcoran