Your Metabolism Is Not Falling!

Pretty Ripe | Volume 33 - Your Metabolism Is Not Falling!

Everyone told us that our metabolism drops at 40 and that's why we gain weight as we get older. But guess what? Great news: IT'S ALL A DAMN LIE! According to last week's seminal study in Science, our metabolism doesn't start to slow until we turn 60 and then, it dips only 0.7% every year. What does this mean? If you're bemoaning recent weight gain, it's probably correlated to your food intake, exercise plan (ahem), hormones or thyroid. My flagging middle aged metabolism has been my scapegoat for everything, from my widening waist to running late for a lunch date. Without this excuse, it's time to reevaluate what we eat and how we work out. Let's rejoice that our bodies are not conspiring against us.

WellnessMonica Corcoran